Friday, December 30, 2011

Canyon de Chelly, the setting in Sing Down The Moon

This week we are starting a new book together, Sing Down the Moon by Scott O'Dell.  It tells the story of Bright Morning.  She is a young Navajo girl living with her family in Canyon de Chelly. Bright Morning tends her mother's sheep by herding them to the top of the canyon. 

Watch this video that shows Canyon de Chelly .  Listen closely to answer the following questions.

What is Spider Rock?  How did it get its name?
As you watch, imagine climbing the trails with a herd of sheep. 
You will see a river running through the canyon.  Sing Down the Moon opens with the river thawing.
Who originally lived in the White House ruins?  How long ago?
What people lived in Canyon de Chelly after the Anasazi?
Where did the Navajo people originally come from?  When did they migrate to Arizona?
What was "The Long Walk"?

You may need to watch the video twice to answer the questions.

Go to this website to read more about the legend of Spider Rock.  Check out this website too. 

The setting is an important part of Sing Down The Moon.  Bright Morning always longs to get back to her home in Canyon de Chelly. 

On the YouReact blog comment, please answer these questions. You will not get credit for this center if you do not answer the question I asked. 

Is there a place that is special to you?  Perhaps you have a favorite city, beach, lake, or home that you cannot wait to spend time in or can't wait to return to.  Where is your special place?   Why is it special to you?  

While you are waiting for your turn to comment: 

Draw a picture of Canyon de Chelly that includes Spider Rock.  Below the picture, retell the legend of Spider Woman and Spider Rock in your own words. 


  1. hi its Quinn my favorite place to be is Michigan beacuse all of my family lives there

  2. Hi, Ethan here.My favorite place to be is Massachussets because a lot of my friends live there.

  3. Hey its Hailee, My favorite place is Michigan because all of my friends and family live there.

  4. Hi it's Sam, My faveorite place is my room because it's fun and my bed is soft.

  5. Hi Coco here and my favorite place aside from home is Disney Land because I love all things Disney exept their channel also it feels magic there.

  6. Hi Luca here my favorite place is Florida. I like to go fishing!!!

  7. hay cameronn here my favoriten place is calafornia because i like to go to the beach and i have family in calaforina.

  8. Hello this is Nigel,
    and my favorate place is california.

  9. Hi this is Christian M. My favorte home is Michigan

  10. hi this is Christian R and my favorate place is Honlulu,HI .I want to visit Perl Harbor.

  11. Hay class! It's Fleur.
    My favorite place is the moutains in a cabin, because they are beautiful and fun.

  12. hey erin here my favorite place is califonia because I love the beach!!!!

  13. Hey its Amy, my favorite place is Hawii because the baeches are fun and beautiful.

  14. Hi Ryan here, my favorite place is Arizona because it is hot.

  15. Hi Brandon here, my favorite place is Utah cause its got a lot of snow.

  16. my special place is my grandma and grandpas house in india because it's were all of our indians terdishons are celibrated.


  17. My special place is at my house because that's were i've always lived.


  18. my specaial place is my house. I like my house because i was rasid there


  19. My speical place is my house because i've lived there for 2 and a half years.


  20. My special place is Illinois Charlie

  21. Hi, it's Brady. My special place is mass. because I like playing in the snow.

  22. My special place is at a hotel in California.It is a hotel that we stay in every time we go to California.BRIANNA

  23. My special place is in my grandma's sister's house in Barenquilla, Colombia. It's special to me because I love my family.

    Alanna Leung

  24. My special place is San Antonio,Texas because that's where I was born. I grew up there. That's my special place!

    Lauren Baptista

  25. My special place is Phoenix,Arizona because I've lived there since I was born.


  26. MY special place is Illinois,Rocco

  27. Hi everyone.Audrey here.My special place is at my grandparents house.I like my grandparents house because they have a really big house and naborhood.Bye!

  28. Hi
    This is Neha's Ma! My all time-till I live, favorite place will be INDIA. I was born and raised in India-I have all my lovely memories growing up as a kid and adult in India with my family and friends. I use to travel a lot with my parents and always had wonderful time. Every State/City had a different attraction. Food/Culture/Architect/Lifestyle/Language everything is different!!! It's just awesome !!! I miss my INDIA very very much!!!
